The Chinese pangolin has scales all over its body, and when attacked by an enemy, it curls up and protects itself. They have muscular tails that climb and hang on trees. The movement is quick, but it is easy to catch because it prefers to act alone. Since they are used for food, Chinese medicine, and amulets, they are easily targeted by poaching, and their numbers are rapidly decreasing.

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Red List Pixel is an NFT that aims to recognize endangered species. Purchase of NFT = preserve. Only one NFT per endangered species. Please choose the one you like! We look forward to your preserve.
認知拡大を目的としたNFTです。購入=preserve(保護)とし、より多くの絶滅危惧種の保護を目指しています。一種類につき一枚のNFTとなります。様々なRED LIST PIXELSから気に入った一種をお選びください!